Meet the Team at Satzuma

As a company we have over ten years experience in creating products and bringing them to the market. We are confident that with this background we will be able to produce the Mobile Theatre and by using the experience of our warehouse and distribution centre, we will be able to deliver the Mobile Theatre to you within the set time frame.

As far as Christmas delivery, we are confident that we can manufacture and deliver the product in time for Christmas, however at the point of launch we are in the dark as to how the campaign will pan out, which may have an impact on delivery times. We will of course post regular updates so you know exactly where we are and when you are going to get your Mobile Theatre. We’ve just launched our Kickstarter. Please feel free to share on social media!

Quantum Mechanics??

I’m curious if anyone who reads this blog is interested in quantum mechanics? I ask because I’ve read through different posts and encountered some debates about similar topics (magnetism bending light and different particle theories).

Admittedly… based on some of the debates I saw… I’m not nearly as adept in the overall scientific realm as some of the participants in this blog seem to be. But, I have become very interested in quantum mechanics as of late.

Some quick background…for 35 years of my life, I never knew there was such a thing as quantum mechanics, and I didn’t care. Now, nothing else intrigues me more.

I wish everybody could experience mania, or hypo-mania, so they could feel what I felt. People ask me all the time, “what was it like to have a manic episode?”

I can’t explain it. Yeah, I thought some weird shit…no question, but there was something very real about it. For a while, I couldn’t describe how it felt. I still can’t really – not in a way that would do it justice.

Within a week or two of crashing back down to earth, I was instinctively digging into topics like spirituality (enlightenment), Buddhism, consciousness, and so on – stuff I’d never been interested in. My curiosity led me, very quickly, into the theory of quantum mechanics.

Now, I can’t say I understand quantum mechanics all that well. The idea that everything exists in probability, until you measure it, is way beyond me. But, one concept in particular captured my attention: the idea that every particle in the universe is not only a particle, but a wave of energy as well – a particle/wave that has been in existence since the beginning of existence.

Scientists can’t explain why life works, really. It goes against the natural state of particle reaction. Somehow, in living beings, particles know how to continuously react with each other. Someone’s heart – made of individual particles – knows how to keep pumping, eyes know how to keep seeing, brains know how to continue to perceive…this goes on and on, without ever reaching equilibrium (until death).

One could assume then…particles and molecules must be able to communicate with each other, no? How else can life be explained? That’s one theory, anyway.

Without getting into more gory, mind-numbing detail…the best way I can explain what it felt like to be manic is to say that it felt like quantum mechanics. There was a connective energy to everything, and everything was one giant wave of energy.


Awesome Drinking Games

B.S. Games was founded on a single principle. Every game we play should be unique and fun. Big name game companies regurgitate the same age old games over and over again, developing groups to research popular culture and spit out the newest edition of the game everyone has already played a million times over. Perhaps newer additions to a game family should add more to a game than a theme. B.S.Games honors the no BS tradition which you can only find in indie productions. Oh yes… and B.S. games produces only quality DRINKING GAMES.

Free BS Games Banner
Moochers: Drinking Board Game - Sneak Peek
911 Paramedic - Moochers Game Card Art
It all started with Moochers about 10 years ago. Great ideas, no matter how certainly brilliant, are subject to hardship in this world of giants. It was nothing more than fun and games. I’m mad about my life, so let’s make a game about people mooching off of me and then play it. It turns out that Moochers ended up being a pretty good damn game. 

The idea of the game is simple:  date people to take money. Dump dates, find better money. Find someone to mooch off of forever to settle down and win the game. Sometimes making that money comes at a penalty; in this case, taking drinks. All these years later, the game is soon to be in production. Art has long been under way. The only thing stopping us now, like most great indie projects, is money. 

Free Lawyer - Moochers Date CardDrug Deals, Drug Dealing, Drug Money

Since then, we have concepts for several games, the first and probably more unique being Draft Racing, originally named The Indy 12 Ouncer. It’s guaranteed fun. This is a game, once again,  that you won’t be able to find anywhere else than from us, set to publish before the end of the year. The only way to legally drink and drive, is to do it from the comfort of your own home. Use skills, cause wreckages to gain the advantage, block other players’ paths to keep the lead and use cheats to stay ahead. Draft racing is the ultimate drinking and driving racing game. Drink and drive, but don’t drink and drive. Drink responsibly.

Beeramid will also be a unique game. The idea is simple: Spelunk about the Beeramid looking for treasure. Areas of the Beeramid containing more treasure have more traps. Traps translate into drinks. Watch out for curses, because the path to riches never comes without collateral. 

Curse of the MummyFree Pregame Production ArtFree Sneak Peek At Beeramid Art
The reason for this page and, really, the reason we chose to do a lot of things is simple: we are looking for funding. Nothing is free and don’t we know it! How fitting it is that our main production piece will be named Moochers and how fitting it is that we intend to mooch to get it off the ground, but we aren’t silly enough to think it’s going to be that easy. The creators of B.S.Games have prepared a gift for small donations; tiny donations even. After a few weeks of creation, we have developed our first piece to completion, Mixed Drinks. 

Mixed Drinks is a fun concept. The idea is to guess the next card. What type of drink will it be, how full is it, what is it served in. Give away drinks for correct guesses, take drinks for incorrect guesses. Every card has a special. If you give away and take the total drink number on the card until it is “empty”, you may then use the special ability to devastate other drinkers. Maybe you will give away more drinks, steal others’ empties, or make rules to completely alter the way the game works. No matter what you do, drink responsibly and play devilishly. Keep your eyes peeled for some bad-ass expansions to get the deck you want.

Our music for this video was made by Dookie. Look for Dookie’s beats at the top of the page.

Please Help Us Out By Purchasing Mixed Drinks

Whiskey: Mixed DrinksWine: Mixed DrinksBeer: Mixed Drinks

MIXED DRINKS IS COMPLETE! Buy your copy here!
Pair of Dice Logo

Meet Artist Igli Marion

Beyond the haze beneath the waterfall of potentials and into the abyss of creative artists currently advertising on Twitter, there are a wealth of semi-established artists battling the industry of already well established and overly influential industry artists. This group was long ago coined the section of starving artists. They are so-called because commissions are not extremely common, though they do occur. One must provide for paint and other supplies from the very commissions that pay the rent. One must provide for food and housing and the very expenses which stifle creativity in a dog-eat-dog world. It was among these artists that I found Igli Marion, an Italian artist with a unique perspective on art and who employs an unnatural and beautiful use of colors. Some of the paintings are overwhelmingly full of life, uncommon creativity, color and emotion that makes one wonder what the average person is missing when they look upon the world with the same dreary perception as the next average Joe. There are many works currently on the market and currently hanging on the walls of those who have already heard the name and seen the work. To those of you looking, this is an artist worth exposing yourself to. Have a look. Speak with himabout commissions on Twitter.

Book Release: Bipolar Man!! – Anxiety Andy and the Investment

Book release free promotion July 6th through July 10th

Bipolar Man, or Jameson Theodore as he’s more widely known, collides head-on with the investment opportunity of a lifetime. When money gets dumped into the toddler driving school Manic Mandy created, the evil CFO at Jameson’s company – Anxiety Andy – aggresses.
The novella begins with Jameson arriving at his corporate job, ready to take on the typical boatload of ridiculousness he’s come to expect. He thinks he’s still taking his bipolar medication, but Neurotic Nigel switched out the pills two weeks prior. Needless to say, Jameson’s life takes a dramatic turn.
The story leads directly into the next book I’m writing…which is due out in the fall. Book cover below…
I don’t want to get into too much of what Detective Schizoaffective will be about. If you read Anxiety Andy…you’ll have a pretty good idea. 

Meet Darren DeSmeaux – Bipolar Man! Author

First and foremost, thanks for letting me contribute to the blog.
I’m 36, and for roughly 35 years, I lived a life I’m not sure was really ever my own. I didn’t have it hard…probably the opposite in comparison to many…which is why the last year had to happen in the first place.
I’ve been doing the corporate America buttoned-up thing here for over 8 years. I never liked it, I never will, and I’ve always felt out of place. I quit a “great” job over a year ago and took a full year off. All these people…my parents, siblings, friends, relatives…pretty much anyone close to me, thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever. You can imagine how they felt when I had a 3 month long manic episode during that time. 36 years old – I never knew I was bipolar until that happened.
It’s weird. During the mania, I began writing a lot, and connected with a totally different crowd – people who are writers, artists, musicians – the artistic realm in general. People way more like me I’ve come to realize. Those people all thought I was acting totally normal. They thought it was weird that I thought I was being weird. Most everyone else I knew was scared to death. Scared of my change. Scared of how they’d feel if they did what I was doing.
People just love to tell other people how to live their lives, even though they have no clue how to live their own. Don’t tell me I’m crazy when you can’t think for yourself at all. Even if I am crazy…I’d way rather be me. Go live the life you hate and leave me alone.
Side note – mania is awesome. Transformed how I look at everything.
                                          (My putter baptism ceremony when I was manic)
Anyway, I’ve pretty much completely changed what I want to do with my life, so I’m going to try writing. That’s all I did when I was manic, and that’s all I’ve done since.
One of the projects I’ve worked on is a comedic adventure series of books called Bipolar Man!. The stories are fictional and meant to be funny, with drama weaved in, not educational or autobiographical. I draw on some personal experience, but the books are meant for entertainment purposes.
I’m releasing a book on Amazon this Friday as fate would have it. It’s called Bipolar Man!! – Anxiety Andy and the Investment. It’s free from Friday July 6th through Tuesday the 10th.  You don’t have to read the first book to follow the story. It’s definitely a continuation of where the first left off, but skipping the first installment would not affect much of anything.
The ‘Look Inside’ feature for the first book, called Bipolar Man! – The Introduction to Existential Erica, would even be enough background to look at. My biased opinion is that the second book is a lot better than the first, relatively speaking, so it’s probably more preferable for me if you start with the second.
In my follow-up post, I’ll describe the upcoming book in more detail and talk about what’s next. Thanks for reading!

I’m always open to dialogue and feedback, so don’t hesitate to respond.

Desolation :The Keystone Bone Trilogy Volume 1

I recently had the privilege of reading a book called Desolation :The Keystone Bone Trilogy Volume 1 by an author I had never heard of previously, Jesper Schmidt. Essentially, it was a fantasy adventure, or more a fantasy with a bit of adventure. There are a few characters. First and foremost, and my favorite, there is a man from a, basically, extinct species of nearly imperishable and stubborn half demon/half dragons. He is intelligent, honorable, honest, strong and defiant when he believes he must be. Then there is Aea, who comes from an ancient race of war expert tree dwelling people. She has been sidelined and classified an outsider by her people, because when she was six her father was executed as a thief. Her journey begins when her mother appears after many years of disappearance and sends her to find her sister. Third, there is a second young woman from the same tree people who is enrolled to become a sorceress one day, however, she has been an apprentice for longer than any other in history. When an ancient ArchDemon is about to escape his binds, the ancient halfling is sent on a quest to find some way to assuage the situation. What will become of the three as they are all three forced into uncomfortable territories?

This I will say about the book; I liked the masculine character, because his mind was very adult, slow to anger and caught between a mountain of stimuli from many other characters which should have him walking on pins and needles, however, his pride would not allow him to get sucked up into drama which was unfolding all around him. Instead, he thought his problems through, would not concern himself with the subjugations of lesser or even greater characters attempting to assert dominance over him and even put said characters back into place when the time called for it. I actually enjoy his demeanor very much. In fact, I employ it quite often in my own works. Second, the young sorceress, I think, was a well thought out character. I liked her very much, however, really, it’s with the female characters that I begin to see problems. In the beginning, so many terrible things happen to the main character (Who I believe is the main character), Aea, and so many events occur at simply just the correct time, which seem to cause a rift between the realm of possibility and probability in the book. I feel at occasional points that certain characters were meant to expire, but the timeline was rewritten because it was decided to keep them. I feel like in certain places of the book, an event was supposed to transpire, in fact there were multiple occasions where it should have, in a specific cell for certain, and it simply never did, even given multiple occasions, and the reason seems to be because another route was simply thought up, possibly to extend the book, or because there were certain details the author wanted to work into the book and was looking to tweak the storyline to cause it to occur. For a number of reasons, it simply did not flow. I liked it and I definitely think the author is on to something, however, I think it would do a great deal of justice to revisite. However, as the title of the site implies, I’m a Nobody Loser…

Meet JamesNG – Imperial Steam & Light Comics

JamesNG is a freelance illustrator and concept artist born in Hong Kong, where he spent most of his childhood drawing monsters and robots and moving between the Eastern and Western world.

He’s mostly known for “Imperial Steam & Light”, his Chinese Steampunk series, but also has a wide range of styles that extend into fantasy, sci-fi, comic narratives and even advertising.

“Imperial Steam & Light ” is a project inspired by Chinese history and the English Industrial Revolution. The standard of modernization is basically westernization, as the world becomes more modern, it also becomes more like the West. But what if China was the first to industrialize during the turn of the last century, creating an alternate standard of modernization? Maybe skyscrapers would look like Chinese temples? Cars would look like carriages? Perhaps China would still be in Imperial rule? And maybe we would have fantastical machines that look both futuristic and historical. Each image in the series is his attempt to visualize this alternative world.

He’s currently developing the comic into a comic book series, feel free to connect with him on social media @jamesngart to stay up to date on the developments!

James Ng 吳健彰
Freelance Concept Artist & Illustrator

Connect with me!

