Broken Crossroads Review

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I’ve read plenty of fantasy books in my day. The genre can be a game of hit and miss. Generally, it is. When I picked this book up, I was not in the least bit frightened that I would have an issue with the contents, as Patrick Leclerc has been a safe bet for me in the past. Not only does he write a fun story, but he writes it well.
Broken Crossroads is the story of a couple of wayward characters, a young female thief and an aging warrior, meeting in an untoward situation which quickly turns convenient for the both of them. As it would happen, the warrior has decided to abandon the Free Companies for a simpler life, a life which isn’t lived at the behest of greedy rulers. Why wouldn’t he take the company of a pretty lass and become her muscle in calculated jewel heists? The story comes together, employing amazing wit and sarcasm, and it story never dulls. At some point, you begin to figure out that the two main characters really rather an easier lifestyle, but every once in a while, they each get wrapped up in their own complicated political missions, not to mention, they tend to spend enough that, sooner or later, they find themselves picking rich men’s locks for loot again.
I thought this book was amazing. I’ve never read a book like this. The story isn’t over told. It isn’t too serious either, but it is very believable within the context of a fantasy genre book. I loved it. Plenty of magic. Plenty of shenanigans. Plenty of fun.

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