Chocolate Chocolate Moons

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Readers. As you all know, I am The Fan of Nonsense… If there ever was one. Personally, I feel the world wouldn’t be much without it. It is, in my opinion, already mundane and practically event-less. I suspect it’s the reason the joke was invented to begin with. Who knows, but I can say that my tastes tend to lean toward scifi/fantasy/action books rather than light comedic/light scifi. So, it may come as a surprise when I announce that recently I read through the pages of a comedic gem written by Jackie Kingon, an obviously intelligent woman/teacher/artist/author.

From the onsetChocolate Chocolate Moons becomes a book that you know you will, if not directly, then eventually finish. Ever since I read the Damon Runyon Omnibus, somewhere around fourteen years ago, I’ve always wanted to pick something up that was just as clever. I’m certain this is it. Although the writing styles differ, in that the D. R. O. is more of an adult Catcher in the Rye, it hit me with the same brick of intelligent writing and shenanigans.

Chocolate Chocolate Moons is a book brimming with misguided reasoning, insanely inaccurate historical references and quirky characters. I must admit, I was not initially sucked in, but the unending word plays were a treat that I could not help but gorge myself on, which is… almost a trait I share with the main character of this book.

Molly is an eater. Everyone else in the galaxy? Not so much. Picture this: It’s far into the future, take your pick of what planet you might want to live on. The gravity of these varying planets has changed the physiques of the modern human into something of a stick, not to mention health supplements have become a part of every person’s daily life. The short story? She is looked at through disgusted eyes but she has a platter of other issues considering her favorite candy, Chocolate Chocolate Moons has been putting folks into comas. It must be time to go rogue detective.

This book was the most cleverly written nonsense I have ever read, packed to the brim with funny events, silly remarks and a pretty ridiculous Schrodinger Box joke that made me smile for the better part of the night. While I still prefer to read scifi/fantasy of a much more masculine persuasion, it goes, though not without saying, I would definitely read Jackie Kingon’s work again, because life is too short not to laugh and she is an author that loves to make me laugh. Tell me what you think downstairs.

One thought on “Chocolate Chocolate Moons

  1. Thank you for your insightful and excellent review. I am so glad you got my humor and had some good laughs. I enjoyed writing it. I just finished my second book Sherlock Mars that follow many of the same characters in Chocolate Chocolate Moons but it will be a while before it is published as I am first sending it out to agents. If you might be so kind, can you past your review onto Amazon at or just go to Amazon and keyword the book? It would be of help. Also I will check out the other books that you have reviewed. Many sound great. Thanks again for your time and work. All Best wishes, Jackie Kingon


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