Hy Brazil : The Elven Wars Trilogy Book Series

As Submitted to FanboysAnonymous.com

Edward Harry is awfully full of pride, he’s got an uncommon tutelage in writing and it’s his nature to set a  magnificently high bar of morality for himself. In fact, everything about him seems to be the real deal. That is, everything except his name. The young man, having answered to “boy” until he was a young adult, decides upon his name, insisting on the importance of a strong and meaningful name. The incident of his name, I felt, was a very important scene, because it is the introduction point to the sort of person Edward Harry is. After little reading, it becomes clear that, no matter what decision lies ahead of this man, he shares his trajectory, for the most part, with the straight arrow. His only shortcoming is his inability to hold his tongue when he should, though generally, it seems almost a strength .

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However straight an arrow Edward might be, he is apparently subject to peer pressure and, because of that, he finds himself on a short scenic trip, by sail, with a young wayward Irishman, despite his master’s wishes that he not keep the young man’s company. It turns out, the young Irishman, Calveigh, has quite a bit more character than anyone expected. The two become quite good friends on their journey: their scenic journey which turns into a fantasy crossing from the world of men into the unnatural world  of elves, fairies and other myths.

This crossing to a fantasy world leads the young men to sights far beyond those in their wildest dreams and into situations far beyond those in their ugliest nightmares. Rather than being introduced to a world of graceful elves and wondrous fairies, Edward Harry and his friend walk head first into a place where human kind are either not welcome, or welcome for the purposes of servitude in the slave trade. The elves have the attitudes of cared for kings, the self given deserving of two year old toddlers and have raised their kind onto pedestals from which they spit down on the masses. Edward Harry however, even when he is afraid, spits back anyway.

Author of The Elven Wars Trilogy

This book is a part of The Elven Wars Trilogy, which will be a series that tells the story of Edward Harry and his lifting from his lowly class within this new world, to the commander of a great army against half of the Elven population marked by their tainted snobbery. It WILL be epic.

This story is the best high fantasy story I have read to date… Ever. Taking place so long ago, it is written to sound very old English. Edward Harry is a smart ass and he has a tendency to stay under the skin of those attempting to exert their “God given” dominance over him. I absolutely loved this story. I loved the personalities of the main characters, I enjoyed the humor and the shenanigans and I laughed at some of the nonsense in this great read. If you like epic fantasies, this is a must read.  Indie?

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